Wednesday's Assignment
What do you do when you wake up one day for a field trip and find out that public transport workers are on strike?
Well, you check the blog. That's what you do!

1. View these pictures: 1, 2, 3

2. Discuss them with a partner, and then practise the dialogue.
A lot of people was walking on the street. They looked like very sad. Nobody smiled in the photos.
3. Record your dialogue on with the partner role playing Homer not looking at the words.
The TTC workers union has appealed to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in a bid to win back its right to strike.
The provincial Liberal government made the TTC an essential service in 2011, acting on a request of the city in the wake of an April 2008 transit strike that stranded riders late on a Friday evening.
1. Find at least 5 new words/phrases to learn for meaning and pronunciation.
(1) appeal someone to something: to make an urgent request for people to give you something that you need such as help, money, or information
(2) in a bid: attempting or trying
(3) essential service: completely necessary service
(4) act on something: to do something because you have been given information, advice, or orders
(5) in the wake of: happening after an event or as a result of it
2. Then read to 2 partners to check for meaning and pronunciation before letting your instructor know you're done.
2. Then read to 2 partners to check for meaning and pronunciation before letting your instructor know you're done.
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