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Monday, June 20, 2016

Monday's Assignment, June 20, 2016

Monday's Assignment

Welcome to our last week of school before the Canada Day break! As we think about this country, what were your thoughts about the native peoples here? What do they look like? What do they sound like? How do you relate to them as newcomers to this land?

Take notes as you watch the following video:

Birch bark canoe, kayak, toboggan, etc.
Canadian Aboriginal's religion just is a respect for all nature the Reapers. 

Here are your tasks:1. Check out this FAQ.
    1. Write and record on chirbit.com 5 T/F statements, including the answers at the bottom of your post.
        1. Inuit, First Nations and Métis are three different Aboriginal groups who lived in Canada.
        2. There are more than 50 Aboriginal languages that have been spoken in three different Aboriginal groups.
        3. First Nations, Inuit and Métis each don't have their own culture.
        4. Nunavut means "our land" in Inuktitut, the language spoken by Inuit.
        5. Most Inuit in Canada live in the country’s youngest territory, Nunavut.
    2. Write 3 questions you would like answers to.
        1. Do you think Aboriginal like the immigrants? 
        2. Have you ever met some Inuit?
        3. Do you like the movie, "The revenant"? Do you know the movie, "The revenant" happened in Canada?
Version 2
         1. Do you think Aboriginal people like the immigrants? 
         2. Have you ever met any Inuit?
         3. Do you like the movie, "The revenant"? Do you know the story"The revenant" happened in Canada?
2. Study the Vocabulary for Wednesday’s Presentation
    1. Select 10 or more hardest words from the lists.
Aboriginal: Term used by the Canada Federal Government, and includes Indian, Inuit and Metis peoples.
Algonquin: First Nations people who share a similar language and lifestyle, includes Blackfoot, Cree, Ojibway Nations.
First Nations: Indigenous people native to Canada; also known as Native and Indian.
Inuit: Indigenous people native to Northern Canada. In Inuktitut means “the people”.
Kayak: Inuit boat built from animal hides, and designed for only one person.
Clan: A group of people united by marriage and ancestors; can also mean family or families.
Nunavut: The country’s youngest territory.
Igloo / Iglu / Igluvigak: Snow house built by the Inuit of Northern Canada. 

Metis: Traditionally was a person born with a First Nations mother and a French Canadian father. Today the term is used for a person with mixed First Nations and European ancestry.
Six Nations: Includes the Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Tuscarora Nations.
    2. Create a crossword puzzle, and publish it with answers at the bottom of your post.

Answers: 1-T; 2-T; 3-F; 4-T; 5-T.
crossword puzzle answers:
1. Igloo
2. Algonquin
3. Metis
4. Inuit
5. Kayak
6.Six Nations: Includes the Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Tuscarora Nations.
7. Aboriginal
8. Clan
9. Nunavut

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Friday's Assignment, June 17, 2016

Friday's Assignment

What are some names of pharmacies in your neighbourhood? What do they sell? Have you ever bought prescription or non-prescription medicine from any of them?


Here are your tasks:
1. Record your "jumping exercise" on the Doctor's Visit on chirbit.com.
        1. Remember to give your names at the beginning of the recording.
        2. Take your time to make it sound natural and real!
Doctor's Visit
  • Long time no see! What brings you here?
  •  This is embarrassing, But I've been wetting myself over the last few months.
  • That can't be good. When does that happen?
  • It happens after midnight and in the afternoon.
  • Have you ever told anybody about this?
  • Are you nuts? they'll panic. I'm not going to burden my family with this kind of thing.
  • It's a personal choice, but I'm glad you come today. how does this impact you life?
  • Maybe I have a terminal illness. I just took out more life insurance, and I'm updating 
    my will and Power of Attorney tomorrow.
  • Okay, I'm afraid I'm going have to refer you to a specialist. My secretary will make a booking 
    and you'll get a call. Do you have an insurance plan for drugs?
  • Not really. I guess I'll need to stick to generics.

2. Vocabulary: At the Pharmacy
tablets and capsules
over the counter, "without a doctor's prescription but within the law."
dosage, "the amount of medicine to be given."
side effects, "any effect of a drug, chemical, or other medicine that is in addition to its intended effect, especially an effect that is harmful or unpleasant."
overdose, "an excessive dose"

2. Role play: Consulting a Pharmacist


  • Pharmacist: Can I help you?
  • Sanaz: Yes, I had some questions for the pharmacist.
  • Pharmacist: I’m the pharmacist. How can I help you?
  • Sanaz: Can I fill these prescriptions here?
  • Pharmacist: Yes, you can. Just give those to the pharmacy technician and she’ll take care of you.
  • Sanaz: The reason I ask is that I’m hoping there’s a home remedy for my problems so I don’t have to pay for prescription medication.
  • Pharmacist: If you’ve already seen a doctor, then I would follow his or her instructions on what to do, including taking these medications.
  • Sanaz: All right, but I have some other problems.
  • Pharmacist: Like what?
  • Sanaz: I have a rash on my arm. See? Is there an over-the-counter medication I can use?
  • Pharmacist: That doesn’t look too serious. You can find medications for rashes on aisle 3. I would recommend a cream made by McQ Pharmaceuticals. Use it for a few days and monitor it to see if it improves. If not, you may want to see your doctor about it.
  • Sanaz: Okay, thanks. I also have allergies.
  • Pharmacist: There are several drugstore medications for allergies.
  • Sanaz: I already take those. What I want to know is if there is something I can do about the headaches I get from the allergies?
  • Pharmacist: Pain relievers are on aisle 4. Let me show you where they are.
  • Sanaz: Oh, thank you. On the way there, I’ll tell you about my other health problems. I need eye drops for my dry eyes, pills for my insomnia, something for my back pain...

3. Review activity: CLB5S
4. Complete any outstanding work from this week.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Thursday's Assignment, June 16, 2016

Thursday's Assignment

What's often your first point of contact with healthcare professionals?

Google for news of this school.
Here are your tasks:
1. Check out some news from Parliament Hill:
A bill to change a line in the national anthem from 'in all thy sons command' to 'in all of us command' has passed in the House of Commons. The legislation still requires the approval of the Senate.
        2. JUNE 15, 2016 Assisted dying bill won’t cause Parliament crisis: Hébert
The commons passed the assisted dying bill. The Senate didn't passed it.

stay on the line, "hold"
booked up, "very busy for schedule, can't make any appointment"
fill out paperwork
put someone down, "schedule someone for something by writing some information"
Is it possible to get an even earlier appointment?
Isn’t that pretty late?

3. Review activity: CLB5L
        1. Look through the last point of your classmate's task, "Ask yourself."
        2. Review your classmate's work based on those questions.
        3. Leave a comment on what went well and what could be improved.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Wednesday's Assignment, June 15, 2016

Wednesday's Assignment

Do you like the way you look? What could you do? What kind of healthcare practitioner could help your looks? According to the first paragraph of this article, can you pay for cosmetic surgery using your health card?
A resident of Ontario must have a health card to show that he or she is entitled to health care services paid for by OHIP. The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care pays for a wide range of services, however, it does not pay for services that are not medically necessary, such as cosmetic surgery.
Spot the difference.
Here are your tasks:1. Check out this article on an expensive procedure:
        1. From the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs (beginning "Marcel ..." and "By 2012"), what specialists might be involved?
Marcel, whose name has been changed to protect his identity, started his transition four years ago. The first step was hormone replacement therapy, a ritual of two-millimetre needles of testosterone that he will give himself every day for the rest of his life. For the first few months of the therapy, Marcel rode his bike from downtown Toronto to suburban Mississauga to receive his shots from a transgender-friendly doctor.

By 2012, Marcel was ready for top surgery – a bilateral mastectomy. At Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, the only institution in the province at which reassignment surgeries are covered by health insurance, a queue had formed. Faced with a minimum wait of two years, he scrounged up as much money as he could—a loan from his sister, funds raised by friends, paycheques from a nine-to-five job—and had the surgery at a private clinic. The procedure set him back $6,000. Today, Marcel awaits one last surgical procedure: lower reassignment surgery.
What specialists might be involved?
I think dermatologist, gynecologist, orthopedist, anaesthesiologist, neurosurgeon, and cosmetic surgeon will be involved.
        2. Find the dollar values in the article and identify the various costs.
In Canada
Vaginoplasty cost $50,000. 
Top  reassignment surgery cost $8,000.
Lower reassignment surgery cost $100,000.
Pay for own travel and accommodations.
2. Role play with a partner: Getting Plastic Surgery
go all out, "to do 100% something, to do every thing possible"
gone off the deep end, "to go crazy"
dead serious, "very serious"
over-the-hill, "old"

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tuesday's Assignment, June 14, 2016

Tuesday's Assignment

Primary care physician, GP, family doctor--these are some names of a doctor specializing in your general health. What do you call doctors that specialize in other parts of the body? Tell a partner.
What's so funny?
Seeing a specialist is not always easy, and the waiting list can be for months.
Here are your tasks:1. Complete the field trip reports on your blog, one for TIFF and one for Sunnybrook.
    1. Be sure to add a couple of direct quotations.

The Field trip was very interesting on last Thursday. My classmates and I visited TIFF Bell Lightbox. TIFF's meaning is Toronto International Film Festival. The next TIFF will be  held from September 8 - 18 2016. We departed from Don Mills station at 9:30 am. We arrived there at 11:00 am. TIFF Bell Lightbox is a very beautiful building. We could see the beautiful views from out of the windows. TIFF Bell Lightbox have 5 cinemasWe followed the tour guide visit one of those. The cinema have comfortable seats and friendly staffs.  
TIFF 2016 are looking for volunteers. I will consider joining it.

Beautiful girls and handsome boys!!

Super master!!
Wonderful views!!!
My classmates were headed to Edwards Gardens and Sunnybrook Park on last Friday. I regretted that I could not come. I interviewed some classmates. "We were very happy," said Suki, "You should come with us." 
According to Emma, "we haven't additional car seat for you!" 
Um, I'm very sad. Hahaha.....

    2. Have a partner or two check your work before publishing.
2. Listening and vocabulary (words in bold): Any Referral?
refer someone or something (verb): directed or pointed to
- My brother referred me to this doctor.
- Please refer to page 30 in your textbook. You will find more information on heart disease on that page.
happen (verb): have the chance or possibility of something
- I think he happens to know a doctor who might be able to help you. Give him a call.
nature (noun): purpose
- What is the nature of your problem?
sprain (verb): twist suddenly
- I need to see a doctor today. I think I sprained my knee when I slipped on the ice outside of my apartment.
case (noun): special circumstances or situation

- Wow. That looks like a bad cut. In this case, you'd better see a doctor and get stitches. That cut won't heal well by itself.
3. Role play with a partner: Seeing a Specialist

Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday's Assignment, June 13, 2016

Monday's Assignment

What feelings do you have when you hear the word dentist? Share this with a partner.

Share an interesting dental experience with your partner. What do you think is the most important factor in dental hygiene?

What new words did you read?
She fainted out of fear
Watch this video, looking out for two surprising facts--then watch again with CC (closed captions) on:

Welcome to a week on healthcare practitioners! Here are your tasks:
1. Vocabulary: Going to the Dentist
practitionersa person engaged in the practice of a profession, occupation.
a person who practices something specified.
inconvenientnot easily accessible or at hand; inopportune; ntimely; not suiting one's needs or purposes.
polishingto make smooth and glossy, especially by rubbing or friction.
refitto fit, prepare, or equip again.
cavitya hollow space or a pit in a tooth, most commonly produced by caries.
probeto search into or examine thoroughly.
profuselyabundantly, aplenty, bounteously, copiously, galore.
2. Listening: Friendly Dental Care

3. Role play with a partner: Seeing a Dentist
dental flossa soft thread for cleaning the spaces between the teeth
root canalthe passage in the root of a tooth through which its nerve and blood vessels enter the pulp cavity
sensitivitythe ability of an organism or part of an organism to react to stimuli; irritability.
denturean artificial replacement of one or several of the teeth.
plaque and tartar
recededto go or move away; retreat; go to or toward a more distant point; withdraw.
molara kind of teeth.

Tuesday's Assignment, June 7, 2016

Tuesday's Assignment

Let's focus on the topic of protecting human rights this morning. How does it work in Canada? In Ontario?
Where, who, and why?
The government has a big role in protecting human rights. How many levels of government are there in Canada?
The Three Levels of Government: Federal, Provincial, and Municipal.

Here are your tasks:

1. Read, listen to, and watch this presentation.
2. Write 5 T/F statements.
    1. Canada’s human rights laws are not part of the Constitution, they are “quasi-constitutional.”
    2. The "Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms" is part of Canada’s Constitution. 
    3. Freedom of assembly is not included in "Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms".
    4. If a workplace policy offers benefits to some married couples but not others, This may be a case of discrimination based on the ground of family status.
    5. If a person is denied a job because of a previous conviction for which a pardon has been granted or a record has been suspended, this person can not complain it.
3. Write 3 questions about the presentation based on your background and beliefs.
This part is the same as Monday's Assignment.
4. Leave your comments on 3 classmates’ postings of today.